Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Loving the outdoors

We love being outside when the weather is nice. Evening though we've all been suffering from colds for several days, we managed to have a fun and full weekend outside.

On Saturday, Holli's soccer team, the Park Poodles, had their first game. The girls had so much fun!

On Sunday, we went to Phil's World for some family Mountain Biking. We went with another family and everyone had a really good time. Dylan did exceptionally well. Drew and Dylan hung back from the rest of us so Dylan could take his time and they could take the shorter loop. Well, they ended up going on the 'extended' trail by accident. This was 6 miles of singletrack! Dylan rode the entire thing on his tiny bike and finished only about 20 minutes after Holli and I. He was such a trooper and smiled most of the time.

The kids ready to ride! I'm so excited for Holli to get a Mountain Bike this summer!

Dylan cruisin down the trail!

Dylan and Drew and the last cairn.


  1. get out of here! I can't believe that Dylan is riding miles of single track! That is incredible. I wonder what your kids will be doing when they are older.

    Holli's soccer game looks like fun too! it looks like it was a nice day to be outside.

  2. Wow, I am so impressed with Dylan's riding. Glad you had fun in spite of Spring colds.
