Thursday, May 20, 2010

Public or Private

The end of the school year is almost here and I'm torn about what to do next fall. When we moved to Durango in January we decided to put Holli back in preschool and start Kindergarten over the next year. She was struggling with the work and really was not enjoying school. We enrolled her in a private school that does Preschool thru 8th grade. We have been so happy with this school and Holli loves it. They spend a lot of time outdoors planting, hiking and just learning about the environment. The classes are very small and the teachers all have a close relationship with the students. We just can't decide if we should spend the money and keep her at the private school or have her go to public school. We've heard great things about the public school she would go to and they have many activities that the private school does not offer like music and gym class. If she goes to the public school she's more likely to make friends in our neighbourhood because they'd be going to the same school. As I write this I'm leaning towards public school.

1 comment:

  1. That is a tough choice. If you think the public school is good and you like her teachers there, i would lean toward that. Being a parent is so hard Abby! It's great that you're considering all the options before making your decision.
